Express Tears and Sadness with the (╥_╥) Emoticon
The emoticon “(╥_╥)” features a face with tears streaming down, representing intense sadness, sorrow, and emotional pain. This emoticon is perfect for expressing feelings of grief, heartbreak, and profound sadness. It captures the essence of sharing deep emotional distress and conveying a tearful mood.
- Feeling heartbroken and sad. (╥_╥)
- Your words brought me to tears. (╥_╥)
- Today has been a deeply sorrowful day. (╥_╥)
- Struggling with overwhelming sadness. (╥_╥)
- Wishing things could be different. (╥_╥)
Emoticon, Sad, Sadness, Tears, Sorrow, Grief, Heartbreak, Intense Sadness, Emotional Pain, Disappointment, Unhappiness, Negative Emotions, Tearful Face, Depressed, Downhearted, Gloomy, Heartfelt, Emotional Expression, Somber, Melancholy, Low Spirits
Expression in Different Languages:
Language | Emoticon Name |
Arabic | وجه حزين |
Chinese (Simplified) | 悲伤的表情符号 |
Chinese (Traditional) | 悲傷的表情符號 |
French | Émoticône triste |
German | Trauriges Gesicht |
Hindi | दुखी इमोटिकॉन |
Italian | Emoticon triste |
Japanese | 悲しい顔 |
Korean | 슬픈 얼굴 |
Portuguese | Emoticon triste |
Spanish | Emoticon triste |
Turkish | Üzgün yüz |